Menopause is inevitable, but suffering through menopause doesn’t have to be.

I’m here to help you experience your hormonal changes with ease and power. 

Every Woman experiences menopause differently, and every woman deserves unique support.

Vibrant Hormones Program

Do you want to learn more about perimenopause, menopause, and Hormone Replacement Therapy? 

Watch the FREE Masterclass Is This Perimenopause? to learn more about our unique approach to midlife hormone treatment!

Find a protocol tailored to YOUR experience.

Whether you’re in early perimenopause or post menopausal, a holistic approach will help you gain vibrancy, energy, and balance.

Whatever hormone symptoms you’re experiencing: night sweats and hot flashes, insomnia, mood changes, fatigue, weight gain, vaginal dryness, or low libido, you don’t need to suffer through them. Both natural approaches and Hormone Replacement Therapy can be great solutions to help you find relief quickly.

Menopause can be a time when you tap into your intuitive superpowers and double down on your health- and we’re here for that, too! Menopause is NOT something you just have to “deal with”. You deserve to feel your best as you step into the next stage of your life as a woman.

Our doctors work with you to help reduce hormone symptoms.

By using targeted and comprehensive lab work including the DUTCH test, along with getting an in-depth understanding of your symptoms, we help uncover possible causes of hormone symptoms during menopause and help you to find a sense of well-being.

We combine gentle and natural therapies including Hormone Replacement Therapy, diet, lifestyle therapy, and herbal medicine to reduce current menopausal symptoms as well as promote positive cardiovascular, breast, and bone health throughout your lifetime.

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